Grundtvig – Training of trainers to provide basic ICT skills’ education to people with disabilities

Invitation to a 5-days training course under GRUNDTVIG EC programme. It is about training of trainers to provide basic ICT (Information & Communication Technologies) skills’ education to people with disabilities, taking on board their specific needs.

Which course?

Training of trainers to provide basic ICT skills’ education to people with disabilities, taking on board their specific needs.

Is it good for me?

Target audience:

ICT / Information & Communication Technologies - ΤΠΕ / Τεχνολογίες Πληροφοριών & Επικοινωνίας• Teachers (Pre-school, primary, secondary, vocational, adult, special needs)
• Teacher trainers
• Careers officers, educational guides and counsellors
• Inspectors
• Headteachers/principals/managers of schools/organisations offering adult education
• Other (Paid or voluntary) management staff in the institution/organisation
• Non-teaching administrative staff
• Members of students/teachers councils in adult education
• Representative organizations of persons with disabilities

Hmm…what is it about?

The objectives of the training course are:

–> To offer an inclusive approach to teaching, learning and assessment of (accessible) basic ICT skills, aiming at inclusive education (people with disabilities within regular education) and have this inclusive approach also embedded in daily teaching practices;
–> To help trainees understand the basic ICT challenges but also competences related to disabilities;
–> To help trainees understand and implement the teaching of basic ICT skills to people with disabilities and how to accommodate for them;
–> To help trainees understand the cultural and social differences linked to people with disabilities coming from different backgrounds (e.g. migrants, refugees, ethnic communities, people from outside Europe or intra-EU mobility);
–> To help trainees experience, through visits to local VET centres, how local organizations for people with disabilities, as well as disabled individuals themselves, address the issues of acquiring basic ICT skills and how this can consequently improve their employability potential;
–> To help trainees acquire hands-on experience by role-playing in implementing accessible teaching practices.

What language?

English will be the main teaching language, however, supportive material will be available in Dutch, English, Greek and Lithuanian!


Four options!

–> 1st SESSION: Larnaca, Cyprus, on 11-15 March 2013. Register by 25/02/2013!
–> 2nd SESSION: Ypres region, Belgium, on 20-24 May 2013. Register by 16/05/2013!
–> 3rd SESSION: Vilnius, Lithuania, on 01-05 July 2013. Register by 17/06/2013!
–> 4th SESSION: Nottingham, UK, on 14-18 October 2013. Register by 30/09/2013!

Further information?

You may find all details about the course at the address, including the full programme, organizers, fees and sessions’ details.

Do I get any certificate for participation?

Yes, you will receive an attendance certificate based on the Europass Mobility certificate template.

Interesting! How can I register?

1. Please, first book your place and receive a written pre-registration confirmation as soon as possible, by sending a message to the addresses given below. Applicants from outside the session’s host country are treated favourably (due to Grundtvig regulations only 1/3 of the participants can be from the hosting country).


2. Apply for a grant! Only if you are not from the hosting country, you may apply for funding to cover your travelling, accommodation and meals, as well as, participation fees. Find your National Agency at and follow the procedure to apply for a Grundtvig In-service Training grant! This option is now open for the 1st SESSION. You may check regularly for new calls for applications that will cover the next three sessions. Depending on your eligibility and application evaluation, you can get as much as € 2500 that will cover almost all your participation expenses.

3. As soon as you have secured funding by your Lifelong Learning National Agency or you have made your final decision to participate on your own expenses, please, get back to the hosting organization (same contact details as given above for pre-registrations) and confirm your registration! Make sure to complete the whole procedure before the relevant deadline for each session, given above.

We will be happy to help you at any step of the above procedure. Please, do not hesitate to contact us asking for clarification and help at the contact details given above.

Looking forward to welcoming you to one of our sessions!

G.M EuroCy Innovations Ltd
6 Yiannitson str., Flat 105, Strovolos, 2027, Nicosia, Cyprus.
P: +35799587884 – F: +357 22313876
Ε: – W:



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